City clerk Cirinna abuses her power by committing document fraud, tampering with evidence, altering City code and refusing payment on my water bill account by a third party. It was brought to my attention that the CIty considers hardship petitions quite frequently. I went to CIty Hall to request a hardship petition form. Clerk Cirinna advises me to just go home and write my reason on a piece of paper. I had been told there was a particular form to fill out. The following day I went to City Hall and began asking question annoyingly as to what information needs to be included. She also stated that the Council needs to know when I would be financially able to pay on my account, I told her I did not know. I believed when Mark Conlee ceased to apply toxic chemicals to my property. Public record show Cirinna supporting the council in accepting hardship petitions in the past. On two different occasions she advised the City Council not to assist paying on my account. At that meeting hardship petitions were repealed after being available for the needy for years prior to the time when I was suffering a financial hardship. My financial position was due to the unlawful application of toxic chemicals to my property. This was done in violation of my right to enjoy my own property, in violation of a civil court order and in violation of EPA standard requirements for a City to be qualified to spray pesticides. This is a violation of my Constitutional RIght to Equal Protection of the Law. Cirinna acted with intent to cause me financial harm.