Echeverria vs Bank of America, et al
Several emails were sent to Bank of America CEO Brian T. Moynihan in 2010. Instead of these emails being handled by Bank of America's higher office, they were sent to Bank of America's contracted co-conspirators Urban Lending Solutions (ULS) aka Urban Settlement Services and Carlisle & Gallagher Consulting Group, Inc. who were fraudulently disguising themselves as Bank of America's "Office of the CEO and President". In Bank of America's system, communications such as these which ended up being elevated to this so-called Office of the President due to homeowner complaints filed with governmental officials and regulator agencies were labeled as "OOPS" in the customer/homeowner's Bank of America's computer system.
We complained and requested help with a loan modification numerous times as seen in these emails but instead, Bank of America continued their destructive warpath of fraud against us with no abatement or repercussions to this very day due to our corrupt judicial system.