The following refers to the seventh and last hypothesis of this series. Please refer to the previous post. Argument against Hypothesis #7: Although Mae Brussell brings in a lot of suspicious names, she doesn’t really offer much in terms of a solid connection. This leaves us with not so much ironclad proof as it does balsa-clad suspicion. The fact that an old PSYOPS hack named Ed Butler helped the scenario along by recklessly accusing the Black Panthers, and that he worked for a venerable cold warrior such as Patrick Frawley, doesn’t mean that he attempted to frame the Panthers. After all, Butler could simply have been a moron, who placed his bigotry in public view for all to see. That Lawrence Schiller, Joseph Ball and Marshal Singer begin to tamper with Susan Atkins, and wind up publishing the first account of the dominant narrative—one that serves the interest of Atkins and the other murderers—is quite suspicious, especially given their resume. At the same time, though, exploitation can easily explain their motives.