I fail to see how anyone would want to entrust their children's well-being to those who will profit from vaccinating them & have a complete lack of accountability in the event those vaccines hurt or kill that child.
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." ~Thomas Sowell
I find it ironic, that the pro-vaccine fanatics are looking to hold non-vaccinating people legally & financially responsible for the spread of diseases, when those who push vaccines (which can cause myriad issues including death, lifelong disability, autoimmune disorders, & circulating virulent strains of the very diseases they are supposed to protect against) have been unconstitutionally shielded from any liability or accountability for harms done to people by their dangerous products.
If vaccine proponents want to start throwing liability claims around, those claims would be more justifiably directed towards those deliberately allowing themselves or their families to be injected with vaccines of limited efficacy which can then go on to shed & spread infectious diseases to others.