Sisi GeLap Harry Potter
Dalam suatu acara di Bogor dua pekan lalu, beberapa orang ibu meminta agar rubrik ini tidak melulu menyorot “persoalan orang dewasa” seperti politik dan sebagainya. Mereka minta agar “persoalan...
View ArticleThe PerceptiThe Perception Deception Part ONE & TWOon Deception Part One
One downside to being a specialist in David Icke’s work is that his books get longer as the titles get more defiant, more iconoclastic and frankly funnier. 2010’s Human Race, Get Off Your Knees: The...
View ArticleThe Perception Deception Part ONE & TWO
One downside to being a specialist in David Icke’s work is that his books get longer as the titles get more defiant, more iconoclastic and frankly funnier. 2010’s Human Race, Get Off Your Knees: The...
View ArticleAbsence of Accountability - Occupy Prohibition
I fail to see how anyone would want to entrust their children's well-being to those who will profit from vaccinating them & have a complete lack of accountability in the event those vaccines hurt...
View ArticleWhat You're Really Saying - Vaccine FAQ - Occupy Prohibition
Always important to look into things & do your own research. Here's a place to start, but first a question... Why are so many poisons pushed on us as safe? I believe "Autism" - a deceptive umbrella...
View ArticleMeasles - History, Hype, & Hysteria - Occupy Prohibition
Point of fact: No one used to be scared of the measles, before the vaccine campaigns & fear-mongering started. (There's a reason it's used as a term for insignificance.)
View ArticleShedding - Vaccines - Occupy Prohibition
William Thompson - #CDCWhistleblower ( ( Testimony supporting H1055 - a bill proposing to add "parent choice" to...
View ArticleToxins, Informed Consent, & Vaccines_Ragged Ann, Marcella, & Forced Vaccines...
“Having recently lost our only daughter through Vaccination (in public school, without our consent) you may realize how terribly HUMOROUS the subject of vaccination appears to Mrs. Gruelle and myself....
View ArticleHall, Richard - A Hypothesis. the Opportunity and Curiosity Mars Rovers Are...
The Opportunity and Curiosity Mars Rovers are situated on Earth
View ArticleCV-13-6030-ODW(CW) Reconsideration for Lawyer
However, the Plaintiff, Oliver B. Mitchell III, is requesting Appointment of Counsel under 42 U.S.C. 2000 e-d (f) (I), which provides for mandatory appointment of counsel for claims of employment...
View ArticleCV-13-6030-ODW(CW) DOCKET #10
Based on these allegations, the Court finds that Mitchell has some likelihood of success on the merits. But this likelihood is hampered by his inability to clearly articulate his claims, as exemplified...
View ArticleCV-13-6030-ODW(CW) DOCKET #11
Upon reconsideration, this case appears to be a 194 case and will be transferred to the Magistrate Judge. Therefore, the Court VACATES the Order Granting Request for Appointment of Counsel and DENIES...
View ArticleCV-13-6030-ODW(CW) DOCKET #16
Therefore is no constitutional right to appointed counsel in civil rights cases. The court has no way to pay appointed counsel and the court cannot compel an attorney to represent the plaintiff. If the...
View ArticleProof of God and the Mystery (Hidden Secrets of the Bible)
I wrote a book about a scripture in the bible: 2 Corinthians 3:14 (King James Version). This scripture says we are all cursed and the curse is lifted by reading the Old Testament. I read every...
View ArticleSub Rosa: An Introduction to Secret Politics, Part 1: Fade to Black
Sub Rosa: An Introduction to Secret Politics Part 1: Fade to Black by Matt Moon
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